5 tips to sleep better

People need seven to eight hours sleep – generally. But the older you get, the more problems you might have to get a good nights rest, fall asleep in the evening or waking up too early. Older adults don’t sleep as deep anymore, they have less non-REM cycles and wake up easier at night than young people. Also the body’s internal clock changes, which may lead to dosing off early in the evening – and waking up in the middle of the night.

1. Update your schedule

Research recommends to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. If you want to change that schedule, scientists recommend to “reset” your body’s internal clock. If you fall asleep too early, try to exercise in the evening and use the computer or smartphone – basically do the things that are NOT recommended before going to bed. That way you might be able to stretch out the evening, go to bed later and wake up later.

2. Don’t sleep too much

If you tend to wake up during the night and lie awake for an hour, your body might be telling you, that it needs less sleep. Most people don’t need more than 8 hours to be well rested. If you are awake for more than 20 minutes, get up and do something that makes you sleepy. Read a book or do something else that relaxes you.

3. Nap strategically

A good daytime nap won’t impact your night sleep, if you get it right. The trick is to nap after lunch and for less than an hour. That will even offer cognitive benefits, as studies showed. Don’t sleep longer than that hour though.

4. Eat healthy and early

Healthy eating habits will also let you sleep better. So less processed foods, more whole-foods and no alcohol or caffeine several hours before bed-time. Generally, don’t eat or drink an hour before bed. Studies found that late evening snacking leads to poor sleep.

5. Don’t worry, be sleepy

If your worries and probles start spinning in your head, try to put them to rest before you go to bed. Try to calm you mind by meditating. Organize your tasks and set priorities, e.g. by writing a to-do-list for the next day. Keep a journal. Or take a warm, relaxing shower. This will also lower your body temperature and help you fall asleep.

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